So I noticed yesterday that Google's logo was Lego-fied. Turns out it was Lego's 50th anniversary. In the spirit of all things lego, here are some cool clips from YouTube!
(This video list is a partial mirror of the one at I. Z. Reloaded, I just wanted a condensed version on my own blog haha.)
So here're my top picks from his list.
1. Lego Les Miserables. Really funny and impressive, especially if you've watched the musical.
2. Lego Dark Knight trailer. If you've watched the original trailer, you should be pretty amazed how well it translates to Lego.
3. Lego Bumblebee, a custom-built transformable version of Bumblebee from the Transformers movie. Cool stuff.
4. Lego Millennium Falcon, showing (accelerated) the painstaking steps involved in constructing one of those huge-ass Lego Star Wars toys. Makes me wish I'd bought one too - the ones from the original trilogy are out of production now and insanely expensive.
And if you're not exactly the video-watching sort, The Brick Testament (biblical stories enacted in Lego scenes) never fails to entertain (me, anyway).
1 comment:
oh so THAT was the occasion! i noticed the lego google too but was too lazy to find out why. haha
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